Dr. Sonu S. Nair
MVSc scholar,
Division of Bacteriology and Mycology
IVRI, Izatnagar

  1. The bovine species which is known as Mountain cattle or Ceremonial ox is …………………………..
    a. Yak
    b. Mithun
    c. Zebu cattle
    d. Bos Taurus
    ANS: b. Mithun
  2. Central Institute For Research on Goats is located in …………………………….
    a. Makhdoom
    b. Avikanagar
    c. Hissar
    d. Bikaner
    ANS: a. Makhdoom
  3. Project Directorate on Cattle is located in ……………………………………….
    a. Jharnapari
    b. Karnal
    c. Modipuram
    d. Bikaner
    ANS: c. Modhipuram
  4. Slink calf is a …………………………………………….
    a. male calf about 1 week old
    b. female calf under 1 year age
    c. male calf under 1 year age
    d. aborted calf
    ANS: d. aborted calf
  5. A female sheep which is between first and second shearing is …………………………
    a. Gimmer
    b. Seggy
    c. Crone
    d. Broken mouth
    ANS: Gimmer
  6. A sheep/goat with all the incisor teeth missing is called a ……………………………………
    a. Gimmer
    b. Gummer
    c. Seggy
    d. Broken mouth
    ANS: b. Gummer
  7. Purified wool grease is called …………………………
    a. Lanolin
    b. Tallow
    c. Lard
    d. Schmaltz
    ANS: a. Lanolin
  8. A device for holding a goat for feeding or for milking is …………………………..
    a. Stachion
    b. Creep
    c. Elastrator
    d. Trailer
    ANS: Stachion
  9. ………………………… is imaginary lines from withers to the point of hip on either side and a line joining the two points constitutes it.
    a. Dorsal Wedge
    b. Lateral Wedge
    c. Front wedge
    d. Caudal Wedge
    ANS: a. Dorsal Wedge
  10. In Freeze/Cold branding, application of cold iron to skin of the animal causes destruction of ………………………………………..
    a. Hair follicles
    b. Melanocytes
    c. Sebaceous glands
    d. Sweat glands
    ANS: b. Melanocytes
  11. ……………………………………….. is a main organization under the control of ICAR for involving the conservation of animal genetic resources
    a. NABARD
    b. NBGAR
    C. NIANP
    d. NDRI
  12. The long axis of the livestock housing should be in ……………………. direction in tropical countries and ………………………………….. direction in temperate countries
    a. East West, North South
    b. South west, North East
    b. North South, East West
    c. North East, South West
    ANS: a. East West, North South
  13. Lower edges of the roof which is resting on the supporting wall is …………………………….
    a. Eaves
    b. Gable
    c. Ridge
    d. Rafters
    ANS: a. Eaves
  14. The horizontal distance between he internal faces of walls or supports is ………………………
    a. Purlins
    b. Span
    c. Run
    d. Rise
    ANS: b. Span
  15. Pitch should not be exceeded at ………………………
    a. 35 degree
    b. 45 degree
    c. 55 degree
    d. 50 degree
    ANS: b. 45 degree
  16. Kundi and Godhavari belongs to ………………………….. group of buffalo breeds
    a. Gujarat
    b. Murrah
    c. Central India
    d. Uttar Pradesh
    ANS: b. Murrah
  17. Uttar Pradesh group of buffalo breed includes Bhadawari and …………….
    a. Manda
    b. Jerangi
    c. Surti
    d. Tarai
    ANS: d. Tarai
  18. Origin of Red Dane cattle breed is …………..
    a. Netherland
    b. France
    c. Dutch
    d. Texas
    AMS: c. Dutch
  19. Which among the following is wrongly matched?
    a. Rathi – Aiwar district of Rajasthan
    b. Nagori – Jodhpur district of Rajasthan
    c. Malvi – Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh
    d. Mewati – Bharatpur district of Rajasthan
    ANS: c. Malvi – Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh
  20. Which among the following has lyre horned?
    a. Hallikar
    b. Gir
    c. Ongole
    d. Malvi
    ANS: d. Malvi
  21. The crossbred cattle strain, Jamaica hope is created by crossing Jersey, Holstein Friesian and ……………………………………….
    A, Brahman
    b. Angus
    c. Sahiwal
    d. Kankrej
    ANS: c. Sahiwal
  22. Quantity of colostrum fed to buffaoe calf is ………………………………… of its body weight
    a. 1/10th
    b. 1/15th
    c. 1/20th
    d. 1/25th
    ANS: b.1/15th

23.National Research Centre On Equines is located in ………………………
a. Dirang
b. Bikaner
c. Jharnapani
d. Hissar
ANS: d. Hissar

  1. Castrated male sheep is called as …………………………………
    a. Steer
    b. Wether
    c. Crone
    d. Gummer
    ANS: b. Wether
  2. Most milking machines have a pulsation ratio varying between ………………………… Cycles per minute.
    a. 20 to 30
    b. 40 to 60
    c. 70 to 90
    d. 100 to 120
    ANS: b. 40 to 60

Anish Divakaran

Alumnus of 1997 Admission Batch of CoVAS, Mannuthy.


  1. Its nice to get some standard questions, hoping for some more

  2. i think sir question no. 23 ans. 1/10th……plz sir conform me

  3. 1/15 is correct

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