Basics of Gene structure and function
Prepared by: Dr Sajad Ahmad Beigh
M.V.Sc, Division of Animal Biotechnology, SKUAST-K
- Which of the following is correctly matched
(a) Johannsen———- linkage
(b) Mendel————– gene
(c) Garrod————– father of human genetics
(d) Morgan————- factor - Term biotechnology was coined by
(a) Karl Erkey
(b) Friedrich Miescher
(c) Altmam
(d) A.E.Garrod - The transforming factor in living cells was first of all discovered by
(a) Avery, Macleod and McMarty
(b) Griffith
(c) Hershey and chase
(d) Emil Fischer - Which among the following showed isotopically (32P and 35S) DNA to be genetic material using bacteriophages
(a) Hershey and chase
(b) Emil Fischer
(c) A.E.Garrod
(d) Both a and b - Which of the following is correctly matched
(a) Monoclonal antibodies————-Fire and Mello
(b) RNA interference——————-Temin and Baltimore
(c) Reverse transcription—————kohler and Milstein
(d) RT PCR——————————-SYBER green - PCR works on the principle of
(a) Peltier effect
(b) Thompson effect
(c) Both
(d) None - Gene is a
(a) Segment of DNA that controls protein synthesis
(b) Segment of DNA that controls RNA synthesis
(c) Functional segment of DNA
(d) None of the above - Which of the following is correctly matched
(a) Beadle and tatum——– non-correlation between genome size and complexity
(b) C-value—————— Amount of DNA in genome
(c) C-value paradox———- transposons
(d) McClintock—————— one gene-one peptide hypothesis - Which technique is used to detect introns in eukaryotic genome
(a) Cherenkov light technique
(b) Autoradiography
(c) Pyrosequencing
(d) R-loop technique - New genes can be acquired by an organism by which method
(a) By duplication and divergence of already existing genes
(b) Gene fission and fusion
(c) By lateral gene transfer
(d) All the above - New genes can originate de novo from non-coding region of DNA in which of the following
(a) Maize
(b) Trypanosoma
(c) Tetrahymena
(d) Drosophila - Which of the following is an example of single multigene family
(a) Hemoglobin genes
(b) r-RNA genes
(c) Myoglobin genes
(d) None of the above - Which of the following is true about paralogous genes
(a) Have got sequences similarities
(b) Arise due to duplication and divergence
(c) Present in same organisms
(d) All of the above - Orthologous genes in animals arise due to
(a) Speciation
(b) Convergence
(c) Divergence
(d) Both a and c - Which of the following is true about pseudogenes
(a) Functional variants of normal genes
(b) Indicate the changing nature of genome
(c) depend on the rate of gene duplication and loss
(d) All of the above - Globin pseudogenes are
(a) Conventional or non- processed
(b) Processed
(c) Both
(d) None of the above - Which of the following is not true about processed pseudogenes
(a) Originates through retrotransposition
(b) Lack introns and a promotor region
(c) Contain polyguanylate signal and are flanked by direct repeats
(d) All above are true - Alphoid DNA is
(a) Alpha helical form of DNA
(b) Centromeric DNA sequence in humans
(c) Primitive DNA type
(d) Promiscuous DNA - Which of the following is not true about replication dependent histones
(a) Transcripts lack poly A tail
(b) Synthesized during s-phase
(c) H1 is having low molecular weight
(d) H4 is most conserved - Replication dependent histones are synthesized during which phase
(a) G1 phase
(b) S phase
(c) G2 phase
(d) M phase - Which of the following is replication independent histone
(a) H1º
(b) H1t
(c) H5
(d) H3.3 - Among replication dependent histones which is having high molecular weight
(a) H1
(b) H3
(c) H4
(d) H2B - Among replication dependent histones which are most conserved
(a) H1, H2B
(b) H3, H4
(c) H1, H2A
(d) H4,H1 - Nucleosome as structural unit of chromosome was described by
(a) R. Korenberg
(b) Johanssen
(c) Benzer
(d) Watson and Crick - Which of the following is an acidic protein
(a) H1º
(b) H1t
(c) Kornberg’s enzyme
(d) H2A - Which of the following is correctly matched
(a) Mononucleosomes——–147 bp
(b) Trimmed nucleosomes—–165 bp
(c) Core particles—————50-70 bp
(d) Linker DNA—————- 200 bp - Which of the following is called bond of life
(a) Ionic bond
(b) Covalent bond
(c) wander wall’s interactions
(d) Hydrogen bond - Which of the following is not true about histone chaperones
(a) Have less affinity for histones
(b) Present in nucleoplasm
(c) They are acidic proteins
(d) Facilitate the delivery of histones - The organization of 30nm fibre during chromosome formation can be understood by
(a) Solenoid model
(b) Zigzag model
(c) Scaffold model
(d) Both a and b - Acetylation of histones may bring which change
(a) Increase gene expression
(b) Decrease gene expression
(c) Remain static
(d) Does not affect - Which amino acid residue is involved during histone acetylation
(a) Arginine
(b) Serine
(c) Threonine
(d) Lysine - Bromodomain is
(a) Brominated amino acid residues of proteins
(b) Highly variable region of immunoglobin
(c) Dock site on acetylated lysines in histones
(d) Conserved domains of oligomeric proteins - Methylation of histones may bring which change
(a) Increase gene expression
(b) decrease gene expression
(c) may either increase or decrease
(d) Remain static - Chromodomain is
(a) Coloured domain of oligomeric protein
(b) Highly variable region of immunoglobin
(c) Dock site on methylated amino acid residues in histones
(d) Conserved domains of oligomeric proteins - Which amino acid residues are involved during histone methylation
(a) Lysine, threonine
(b) Glutamate, arginine
(c) Lysine, arginine
(d) Serine, threonine - Histone methylation plays a fundamental role in
(a) Heterochromatin formation
(b) X-chromosome inactivation
(c) Genome imprinting
(d) All of the above - Which structural form of DNA is left-handed
(a) B-DNA
(b) Z-DNA
(c) A-DNA
(d) H-DNA - Which DNA form exists under physiological conditions
(a) A-DNA
(b) Z-DNA
(c) H-DNA
(d) B-DNA - A linear segment of DNA is about 975 kD in weight. How many nucleotides are in it and what is its length respectively
(a) 3000, 1020 nm
(b) 1000, 500nm
(c) 1500, 1000nm
(d) 1000, 1200nm - There are 103 nucleotides in a gene having one intron of 3.4nm and a non-stop codon. How many amino acid residues will be in a peptide on translation
(a) 30
(b) 40
(c) 50
(d) 60 - The lambda-max for DNA and RNA falls at
(a) 260nm
(b) 280nm
(c) 250nm
(d) 300nm
1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(d) 10.(d) 11.(d) 12.(b) 13.(d) 14.(d) 15.(d) 16.(a) 17.(c) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(b) 21.(d ) 22.(a ) 23.(b) 24.(a ) 25.( c) 26.(b ) 27.(d) 28.(a ) 29.(d ) 30.(a ) 31.(d ) 32.(c ) 33.(c ) 34.(c) 35.(c) 36.(d) 37.(b) 38.(d) 39.(a) 40.(a) 41.(a)