Veterinary Alumni Association Kerala (VAAK)
Office: College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur-680 651

The objectives of the Association are: Promotion of comradeship among the graduates of Veterinary College, Mannuthy; Active participation in the organization of foundation day of the College, Golden Jubilee and other periodical celebrations in the name of the College; Institution of awards and endowments in the name of the Alumni; Publishing Alumni News Letter to disseminate information about the alumni; Undertaking other charitable projects of public interest and Receiving funds/donations for installation of endowments/awards and other charitable activities.
The membership fee is Rs. 510/- (Admission fee Rs. 10/- plus Membership fee Rs. 500/-) Your co-operation is highly essential to activate the association so as to initiate bold steps for achieving our goal of Oneness among Veterinarians.
Click here to download the membership application form [HTML] [PDF]
Office Bearers
Associate Patron
Dr. Panampilly Vijayan
Dr. K. Udayavarman
Vice Presidents
Dr. S. Ravindran Nair
Dr. R. Ramakamath
Dr. S. Yohannan
Gen. Secretary
Joint Secretaries
Dr. C. B. Manomohan
Dr. K. Madhavan
Dr. K. Devada
Dr. A. M. Chandrasekharan Nair
Jt. Treasurer
Dr. B. Sunil
Dr. Shibu Simon
Sub editors
Dr. A. Prasad
Dr. Justin Davis
Student Aid Fund (SAF)
Contribution from our colleagues and alumni at USA (Association of Keralavets in North America, AKVNA) helped four students of COVAS in their studies. It was a great success that a financial support of Rs. 12,000/- could be provided each for four students this year (2010-11) . VAAK’s Student Aid Fund programme is aimed at bright veterinary students who are not financially well-off, and are not receiving any Governmental support.
VAAK requests our alumni to contribute generously to SAF to help our young professionals at COVAS. VAAK operates a separate SAF account (A/C No. 67087926942 at SBT Ollukara Branch, IFSC Code SBTR0000210). Your contributions can be transferred to this account and the same may be intimated to Dr. K. P. Sreekumar, Secretary, Veterinary College Alumni Association (VAAK), College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Mannuthy-680651, Thrissur.
Dr. K. P. Sreekumar B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D (Edin).
Professor and Head, Dept. of Veterinary Physiology,
College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences,
Kerala Agricultural University,
Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA-680651.
+91 487 2370344 ext 227 (O).
Dear Alumnus,
The office bearers of “VETERINARY COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, KERALA” earnestly request the proud Graduates and Post Graduates of the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, to join the Association. If you have already enrolled as member, kindly ignore this request. It is a pity that even though from about 49 batches, nearly 3500 had graduated from your prestigious Alma Mater, only very few had yet joined the Association. Hence those who are yet to join the Association, it is our earnest request to join by paying a total of Rs. 510/- (Rupees five hundred and ten only ) towards admission fee and life membership, to the Treasurer of the Association, Dr. A.M.Chandrasekharan Nair, Professor and Head of the Dept. of Pharmacology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Trissur, 680651 and become Life Member of VAAK.
You must be very proud to hear that the Association, with the whole hearted support of Veterinarians in India and abroad have taken the initiative to construct a Golden Jubilee Auditorium in the Mannuthy Campus. It has a seating capacity of more than 500.The project cost is about Rs. Thirty-five lakhs excluding furnishings, generator backup, spreading of tiles over the concrete super structure, Audio Visual aids etc, which may come to about Rupees Nine lakhs. Thus, the projects when completed will cost approximately Rs. 44 Lakhs ( Forty four Lakhs ).We admit that even though, the work was entrusted with a semi government organization, M/S.Costford, Trissur, there was unexpected delay in completion of the project. Now, all concreting works are completed and the finishing works are to be completed and we expect the auditorium will be ready in another 3 to 4 months.
Even though we got some money from MLA & M.P. we are short of fund. In this connection, we sincerely acknowledge the liberal contributions from some of our Alumni in United States and other foreign countries including those in Kerala and other states of India We again urge the Alumni to liberally contribute for this noble cause, at the earliest so that the project could be completed immediately. The contributions may please be rushed to the Treasurer in the above address. Cheques and DDs may be made payable to” The Treasurer, Veterinary College Alumni Association, Kerala ” At Thrissur.
With Love and Regards,
Dr.P.Vijayan, President, Veterinary College Alumni Association, Kerala.
Dr. K.P. Sreekumar, Secretary, Veterinary College Alumni Association, Kerala
Golden Jubilee Contributors
Dr. George Koshy
Dr. R. Madhusoodanan Pillai
Dr. Geetha Cherian -13500.
Dr. A. Jalaludeen-10000
Dr. Mathew E.S- 10000
Dr. Venugopalan Nair- 25000
Dr. Ramachandran Nair- 19500
Dr. Raghavan. K.C-10000
Dr. Elizabeth V.K.-10000
Mr. O.K Paul-10001
Dr. Lalitha Kunjamma-10001
Dr. K.C. Panicker-10000
Dr. K.I. Mariyamma-10000
Dr. Ramakrishna Pillai- 10000
Dr. Krishnan Nair. M-10000
Dr. Manomohan-10001
Dr. Naveen. P.K.-10001
Dr. Leo Joseph-10001
Dr. A.M. Thomas-15000
Dr. Krishna Menon(USA) $ 5000
Dr. Venugoal Changaram (USA) $ 1500
Dr. Joseph Leuca (USA) $ 1000
Dr. Sreekumar Menon, USA – US $ 1000
Dr. Sivadas Menon (USA) $ 1000
Dr. Jose K Antony, USA – US $ 500
Dr. Abraham Mathew(USA) $ 500
Dr. Sreekumar Pillai (USA) $ 250
Dr. Rajeev Nair(USA) $ 250
Dr. Padmakumar Narayanan(USA) $ 250
Dr. K.K. Prakash, UK – Rs. 20,000
Dr. M.P.G. Kurup, Executive Director (Rtd), NDDB – Rs. 11111
Dr. E. Nanu, Dean, CV & AS – Rs. 11001
Dr. A.M.Chandrasekharan Nair, Associate Professor, CV. & AS. Rs. 11111
Dr. K.N. Muralidharan Nair, Dean (Rtd) CV & AS: Rs. 10001
Dr. B. Gangadharan (Edinburgh): Rs.10001
Dr. M. Krishnan Nair, Dean (Rtd) CV & AS Rs. 10000
Dr. Panampilly Vijayan, President, VAAK – Rs. 10001
Dr. Dr. M.G. Ramakrishna Pillai, Professor (Rtd), CV & As Rs. 10001
Dr. K.I. Maryamma, Professor (Rtd) CV & AS Rs. 10001
Dr. K. Chandrasekhara Panikker, Prof (Rtd), CV & AS: Rs. 10001
Dr. T.V.Viswanathan, Associate Professor, CV & AS Rs. 10001
Dr. P.A. Peethambaran, Associate Professor, CV & AS Rs. 10001
Dr. P.T. Philomina, Associate Professor, CV & AS Rs. 10001
Dr. C.B. Manomohan, Associate Professor, CV & AS. Rs. 10001
Dr. N. Vijayan, Associate Professor, CV & AS: Rs. 10001
Dr. K.P. Sreekumar, Associate Professor, CV & AS Rs. 10001
Dr. G.Girish Varma, Assistant Professor, CV & AS, Rs. 10001
Dr. A. M. Jalaludheen : 10001
Dr. S. Sulochana : 10001
Dr. K. Venugopalan Nair: 25000
Dr. C.K. Sreedharan Unni:10017
Dr. T. Sarada Amma : 10000
Dr. Mohan R. Nemali:$250
Dr. Samuel Chacko : $1000
Dr. Sivadasamenon: 10000
Dr. K.P.C. Nair: $1200
Dr. Gita Cherian: $250
Dr. Manumohan: 10001
Dr. V K. Venugopalan: 25000